Devon brought his Uncle Al this morning and met me at the dock at 7:15. Al and I have fished together several times before on Cubera and Swordfish trips. I was glad to see him coming along as we would have more angler power on deck. We unleashed The BEAST and were off like a herd of turtles. We started off jigging up about 2 dozen Blue Runners and then headed for the “dink” Ballyhoo patch. Our game plan was to see if we could catch another mess of Dolphin like we did on Tuesday. Arriving at the bait spot we hook and lined a bunch, then cast netted some more, and in short order we had both live wells teaming with baits. Off we go to try and duplicate Tuesday’s trip.
We arrived on the edge to find that NOAA was way off on their sea predictions. The water was 2-3’ at most, with some small white caps from the winds. The sea clarity was a dingy blue/green. As we were setting out our first baits we hooked up a single school Dolphin and into the box it went. The Dolphin have all been a decent size so far this week, unlike the anemic looking fish in the spring. Next bite was a nice fish on the down rod which engulfed all the wire trace and managed to cut the mono leader. We managed to capture a Kingfish on the down rod shortly thereafter. For the next 2 hours we were in a lull. I grabbed my VHF mic and hailed a couple of my Captain friends out there. They were'nt doing anything either but, I wasn’t worried. I told Devon and Al that the conditions were going to come together about 1:15. Al worked a small speed jig here and there and caught a few Bonito. We ate lunch and BS’d while waiting for “the bite“.
Shortly after 1PM, the seas calmed, conditions got right, and the stuff hit the fan. We caught 4 Dolphin and reset the baits. Minutes later we had a triple header on Sailfish, up in the baits. One was a window shopper and one ate! While Devon was working the hooked up fish, the third Sailfish chased the bait he was after, into the rigger line and it got tangled. As Al and I were trying to shake the bait free, this fish was intent on eating it. His entire head and mouth were clearing the water as the bait dangled about 6” off the surface. He finally gave up and swam off. Devon brought his Sail to the boat for a clean tag & release.
For the next 2 hours we added 13 more Dolphin to the fish box, released several more Bonito, a small Amberjack, and raised 2 more singles on Sailfish, hooking and jumping off one of them. Tough luck Al. That stuff happens to everyone, from time to time. The last hour of the day slowed down again but we managed another Bonito and a Blackfin Tuna on the speed jig which Al didn’t think worked very well, until today! The last fish of the day, a beefy Yellow Jack, came once again on a speed jig.
We called it a day and headed for the barn with a nice box full of fish. The total catch for the day was 5 Sails raised but only 1 caught, 17 Dolphin to 15 pounds, 6-8 Bonito, 1 each of Kingfish, Blackfin Tuna, Amberjack, and a nice Yellow Jack. Devon and Amy should be set for fish now at their wedding reception. I just hate when I have 2 trips, a day apart, like we had this week. Right? It sucks to be tired from catching so many fish. NOT !!!!!!!
We will never turn this economy around if we don't start spending some money. Break open your piggy banks and let's go fishing. The experiences of the oceans beauty and bounty are worth more than the money, ten fold!
Capt. Jim